Friday, September 6, 2013

Our Fifth Anniversary!!!

You like my new design? Having used bloody red and scary black in previous looks, I think a little glamour is in order correct? Since madness is the theme of this website, surely some over-the-top effects is not out of place!

We at The Mad Scene are in a celebratory mood, given that we’ve been around for 5 whole years since we made our first post in September 2008! Even though four of these years are largely operated in Taiwan where I’ve been based while studying for a second degree in music, now that I’m done with my studies I plan to head back to Singapore ASAP, in order to greatly expand the capabilities of this website, and bring you our brand of exclusives in the local and regional arts scene that you have come to know from us.

Meanwhile, I hope that The Mad Scene has been of value to you. It has certainly been of value to many arts professionals, many whom offered their congratulations! Scroll down to read them, and feel free to contribute your own in the comments!


Congratulations on your Fifth Anniversary! On behalf of Singapore Lyric Opera, we send our best wishes for more good years ahead. Keep up the good work. We need your enthusiasm and support.
- Ng Siew-Eng, General Manager of the Singapore Lyric Opera (

Many Happy Returns on the 5th birthday to The Mad Scene! You have brought such buzz to the otherwise rather too-quiet opera scene in Singapore. Much cheers and many congratulations!
- Nancy Yuen, soprano

Congratulations for the 5th anniversary of The Mad Scene! I wish for you to grow bigger and better for the music lovers here. The Mad Scene forever!
Jeong Ae-Ree, Artistic Director of New Opera Singapore (

Congratulations! I celebrate the fifth anniversary of The Mad Scene. I am impressed with your passion and dedication for music. I hope your blog prospers more and more!
- Lee Jae-Wook, tenor from Seoul

My heartiest congratulations to you on The Mad Scene's fifth anniversary! You have done wonderfully, wonderfully well. I can't believe that it has only been 5 years since The Mad Scene was created. It has brought people together, created audiences for concerts and brought us all funny, entertaining and informative news about the opera and concert circuit in Singapore. I cannot imagine what we would be like without you. I hope to see The Mad Scene alive and running for many more years! Well done!
- Brendan-Keefe Au (

Thanks to The Mad Scene for connecting the world of arts and bridging between artists and audience over the years!
- Sabrina Zuber, Bellepoque (

'Happy 5th Birthday The Mad Scene. You rock!!XOXO
- Grace Ng, vocal coach at Vocalogy (

Congratulations to The Mad Scene on 5 years of excellent coverage! Steven has been a great collaborator and enthusiast in featuring up and coming events in the classical music scene in Singapore and his work is very much appreciated. We have had the pleasure of a couple of interviews with Steven on the blog and his support of the arts is really admirable. Here's to even more success and subscribers for our very own local opera blog! Thanks for all your work Steven, the local music scene certainly owes you many toasts!
- Jonathan and David Charles Tay, New Opera Singapore

Congratulations to The Mad Scene for 5 years of hard and heart work! Thank you (the team) for your insight and dedication, and for providing such an effective channel for all who love singing in the region – whether in operas or musicals or choir – to share in the updates/happenings. May you grow in strength and continue for many years to come!
- Teng Xiang-Ting, New Opera Singapore

A huge congratulations to the team behind the scenes of The Mad Scene! Thank you for your dedication and your support of the arts, especially the vocal arts. Thank you for being such a supportive pillar of the singing scene and for sharing so much knowledge and passion. I hope you stay as mad about the scene for many many more years to come! So here's to our collective insanity (insert-mad-aria-cadenza-of-your-choice-here-with-a-compulsory-interpolated-high-Eb)! Cheers!
- Peter Ong, Bobby in Dream Academy Productions’ production of Company, The Sing-Song Club

Happy 5th Anniversary to The Mad Scene! Thank you for your support over the years and may you continue to be a honest and passionate online voice for our ever vibrant Singapore arts scene.
 - Rebecca Chellappah, mezzo-soprano

Happy 5th anniversary to The Mad Scene for bringing us the latest news in local arts scene. kudos!!
- Martin Ng, bass-baritone

When I was a child growing up in Indonesia, there was no opera on TV, no internet, nothing like The Mad Scene. And now thanks to technology, The Mad Scene is able to promote opera around the region, with great content. Congratulations for your 5th year!
Wenarto, Social Media Opera Star (

Warmest congratulations and sincere best wishes on this 5th Anniversary of The Mad Scene. May the success that has come today lead you to bigger achievements in the years to come!
 - Su Yiwen, soprano

Happy 5th Anniversary to The Mad Scene! Thank you for your dedicated support and sincere reviews of the music scene in Singapore. May you continue keeping up the awesome work and contributing to the vibrancy of Singapore's arts scene.
 - Toh Xue-Qian from the Orchestra of the Music Makers

(P.S. It so happens that OMM just turned 5 this year too! Thanks for your support.)


My special thanks to all the artists, administrators, promoters, PR folk and other professionals for giving opportunities and working with The Mad Scene. Most importantly, THANK YOU, dear readers, for having supported this website all this while. Here's to many more great years ahead!


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